Welcome to Generation XXX
Gen3x is a Spirit-led recovery ministry set up to offer hope and encouragement to YOU, the man or woman of God, who is trapped in the downward degrading spiral of pornography.
So what is Spirit-Led recovery, and what makes it different from the normal recovery groups and methods that you see around?
Spirit-Led recovery is when you allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through your your recovery process. Feasting on God’s word and power through prayer will bring freedom and inner healing. Gen3X does not hope to win people away from Pornography, Masturbation or Immorality (PMI) by setting limits & boundaries, there is no nicotine patch for pornography, quick-fix or magic formula. Most recovery methods incorporate a set of rules and guidelines (and maybe a fee) along with a specified time limit that will set you free – if you are simply willing to turn up and work the programme and hopefully recover (fingers crossed!).
With Spirit-Led recovery, YOU surrender your will and problem completely and unconditionally to The Lordship of Jesus Christ and allow HIM to fix you from the inside out, rather than from the outside in.
If you are serious and sincerely want freedom, Jesus will give you His power to cooperate fully with Him and through the Holy Spirit will reveal to YOU what it is that drives you to do the things you do, i.e; rejection, fear, hurt, abandonment, emptiness, acceptance issues, low self esteem, demonic influences, etc. You can then let go of the pain relievers that you have been using to treat it and be truly healed from the pain and fear that has been driving your bondage. If you are already caught up in this mess you don’t need me to repaint the picture of what you are going through. I know how far this can take a person.
What is the purpose of Gen3x?
Gen3x believes that the scourge of pornography is the biggest threat to the body of Christ today. Pornography doesn’t discriminate, it’s after every believer, young and old, so we are aiming to get the message out that this issue needs to be tackled head on. We want to raise awareness that you are not alone in fighting this battle 1 Cor 10:1, and to provide a united front against the Satanic firestorm of pornography that the body of Christ is experiencing. We are here to motivate, educate, help and support you, spouses, parents and church leaders, making them more aware of the damage that pornography will cause; in the home, in the church and throughout society.
Describe the role of Gen3x
We serve a faithful God, a righteous God, a holy God and a God who is the Respecter of no persons – so that means that He has no favourites. It doesn’t matter what your position is in the church – how holy or religious you are, if you are indulging in pornography, God will be faithful and bring you to a crossroads in your life where you will have to choose which path to take. Scripture reminds us of the fact that God will not be mocked and that you cannot serve two masters, God will respect your free-will decision and let you have your own way. He will never interfere or bully His way into your life or decisions. So the role of Gen3x is to have signposts set up at those crossroads with the words “choose life”, “choose freedom”, “choose Jesus”, encouraging everybody that this can be done and all things are possible with Jesus, no matter how low you have sunk in your pursuit of sin. Gen3x is totally confidential, I know all about the shame that can come with a lifestyle caught up in pornography so we are offering you a safe place to come until you are ready to share your struggles and declare your freedom in Christ.
What is “Get the facts” about.
GTF is not a program or a set study course. But it can be used that way if desired by a men’s group. The first step in seeking freedom from pornography is to birth a godly hate towards this sin. Your ultimate success depends on allowing God to do all the work right from the start. As long as you are serving and gratifying the flesh through pornography/masturbation you will never be able to muster up enough hate to break free. Up to this point you haven’t been able to do it for your wife, your kids, yourself or even God, so what makes you think that you will break free one day by your own understanding. Satan’s aim is to get the fight out of you and he is using pornography to do that for him. He is happy letting you run around the sin-confess-sin circle never getting any where only madder at God. So by reading through GTF, allowing the Holy Spirit to do his work, realizing that you are serving and worshipping the creature Romans 1:25 along with daily Bible reading, prayer and relentlessly pursuing God, He will respond and birth in you a Godly hate which is your launch pad towards freedom.
What is your aim?
Our aim is to put ourselves out of business by seeing every believer struggling with pornography set free.
How will you fit into the church?
Gen3X understands that this can be a heavy burden for busy Pastors and church leaders, so we want to come alongside Church to offer help and support, to equip and encourage in any way we can. The man caught up in pornography will know that he needs help but is too ashamed of coming forward because of the stigma, guilt, condemnation, etc involved. We offer to come to your church and spend the day sharing the Hardcore talk, and to provide men’s ministries with a platform against pornography.
Do you have help for Spouses?
Yes, very often our spouses are the last to be offered any understanding, help and support – they also end up carrying shame, heavy burdens and unanswered questions. My wife has written a series of studies for women. Through personal experiences and with the help of the Holy Spirit she hopes to bring comfort and emotional healing to those affected by the consequences of their husbands’ sexual sin.
Is there a cost for this?
No, everything that we do and offer is free. We don’t believe that any ministry can put a price on the freedom that Christ died for.
Is church the only venue you are open too?
No, we are available for any opening that will bring glory to Jesus Christ.
Can I have my questions and concerns answered?
Yes of course, simply click here