Not everybody who looks at pornography becomes enslaved. But the chances are that you may be on the verge of going that way without realising it. Sin is so deceiving and so cunning that it can completely blind us to where we are headed. Unfortunately most men use pornography/sexual pleasure as a comforter to block out emotional pain, as the pain increases they tend to indulge even deeper into perversion to seek relief.
Answer these questions honestly to see how far you have fallen:
1 Does your consumption of pornography feel out of control?
2 Does pornography consume your thinking?
3 Is it abusive towards anyone else?
4 Do you have trouble limiting the time you spend with porn?
5 Do you get lost in porn and neglect work relationships, church etc?
6 Have you made unsuccessful attempts to quit?
7 Do you get angry if confronted or asked to stop your porn use?
8 Do you use porn to deaden painful feelings?
9 Do you spend time in chat rooms?
10 Have you ever visited or participated in cybersex?
11 Have you used the internet to make contacts for sex?
12 Does it feel like a greater force is driving you to seek out pornography?
13 Has your behaviour ever hurt your relationship with your loved ones?
14 Have you always been honest?
15 Have you ever felt disgusted at your own behaviour?
16 If you can’t view porn do you find yourself getting angry?
17 Do you feel distanced from God when you use porn or masturbate?
18 Do you masturbate until it physically hurts?
19 Does it feel like God has given up on you?
20 Have you ever cheated on your spouse?
21 Do you linger over pop videos or magazines with overt images?
22 How much money are you spending to fill the emptiness?
23 Are you aware that you have stepped out from under Gods covering?
24 Have you ever promised that this will never happen again?
25 Do you keep your porn habit a secret?
26 Do you have feelings of shame, guilt, remorse, depression?
27 When you’re not viewing porn do you think and plan your next hit?
28 Are you aware that you have opened the door for the enemy to attack you?
29 Are you tormented with mental imagines of pornography all the time?
30 Are you aware who you are worshipping through pornography?