DAY 18 – God Will Move Your Mountain, Even if it is Just a Teaspoon at a Time
MARK 11:23 – I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him.
It is impossible for God to lie!
I so love this verse and it is one I have memorized so that it has become engrafted into my heart. This is one of the most powerful and limitless promises given by Jesus Himself. It makes me smile when I read the beginning of this verse “I tell you the truth”, as if Jesus could do anything but tell the truth! He cannot lie! Here Jesus is also emphasising the fact that when we tell our mountain of problems to go in His name, He really will move them for us.
If We Believe What We Say Will Happen!
This verse says “believes that what he says will happen”, in other words we need to have faith in God and believe that He can move our mountain. Faith is a gift and is the most powerful force that God has given us. With it we can move mountains.

Faith should not be in ourselves but in God. Faith is confidence in God and all that He says.
Jesus says these promises are available for you even if you only have faith given to you as small as a mustard seed.
Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20
Speak To Your Problems
Jesus says we are to speak to our problems. “If anyone says to this mountain”. So, tell the devil ” take your dirty, rotten hands off my husband and my marriage”. Trust God that all strife and disharmony be cast into the sea in Jesus’ name. There is power in the spoken word of God, this is the “rhema” word of God. We need to use scriptures as prayers and speak them out loud. Remind God of His promises. Pray the word of God and come into agreement with His will and what He is saying. God wants you to live a life of happiness in abundance.
Don’t Focus on Your Circumstances
We tend to always look and see if our situation has changed or if God has answered our prayers. If we don’t see any change then we get discouraged and begin to doubt.
Focussing on our problems will make them appear as mountains. God becomes smaller, but when you focus on God the problem gets smaller. Your problem is like a speck of dust in God’s eyes. He will honour His promises when we stay focussed on Him and trust in Him that whatever happens, He is in control and it is or our good.
A Teaspoonful at a Time!
Sometimes it can look like God doesn’t hear us, and that our mountain isn’t moving. I used to think He didn’t hear my cries and that my mountain of marriage problems was never going to budge. However, my mountain did begin to move, not all at once, or that I could even see, but in small pieces, sometimes as tiny as a teaspoon at a time, and I would lose heart because it didn’t look as though anything was happening. However, it wasn’t long before all those tiny teaspoons grew and grew and it was only after a time that I could look back and see that God did clearly hear me and answer me. His timing is always perfect.
I thank God and praise Him for moving my mountain, even if it was just a teaspoon at a time!
Janice – Beauty for Ashes
Gen3x – Helping wives of men who are involved in sexual sin