DAY 3 – Trust in God and He Will Deliver You From All Your Cares
1 Peter 5v7 – Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you
Small Verse, Big Results
A small verse, but if we do what Peter says, and face life by trusting God we can be sure to receive big results. This verse taught me one of the most important lessons in my Christian life.

Another verse similar to this one is found in Psalm 55:22: Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.
Isn’t this a wonderful promise, and your answer to how to defeat the devil when he seeks to attack you? God has promised He will never let you fall. He holds tightly to your hand and will never let go. He cares about you, He is concerned about you but it is up to you to surrender ALL your fears and ALL your anxieties so that He will be able help you.
Don’t Let the Devil In!
Life is not always easy but when we worry, fret and forget to trust God, we bring stress into our lives and into our bodies. Sometimes we dwell on our fears and allow the devil to gain strongholds over our minds, we end up losing sleep, even making ourselves ill as we allow our fears to haunt and grip us. The devil loves to keep us in worry and fear and he will prey on our weaknesses, because this keeps us from reaching our full potential and the plans which God has for us.
Pray With Boldness
So how do we CAST all our anxieties on Him? I believe the only way to do this is to pray. The dictionary tells us that to “cast” is to throw, shed or propel something. The word “cast” is a strong, bold word and tells us here that we’re not just “giving” our cares to God, we’re throwing them to him, far away from ourselves, once and for all. We are privileged that God is asking us to “cast” all our anxieties on Him because He will bear them for us so that we don’t have to. When we worry, we are grieving God because we are not believing that He knows what is best and we are denying His love and care. We are not trusting God to deliver us from whatever is going on.
I Once Was Anxious and Fearful
Believe me, I know what it’s like to be gripped with fear and worry – for a long time I didn’t trust God to take control. I was riddled with anxiety and was a nervous wreck. I didn’t realise that I was sinning by being like this. I thought I was “entitled” to worry, after all, I was the victim here! God doesn’t want you to be like this, He wants you to live life to the full, Jesus came down to earth to give you life in abundance. Your freedom has been purchased with His precious blood, He didn’t waste one drop, so we shouldn’t either. Claim all that He has made available for you at the cross!
Hold Your Daddy’s Hand

A dear friend once put it very simply and asked me how I would feel if I was crossing a busy road with my daughter and she refused to hold my hand and just stepped out onto the road facing terrible danger. I would feel hurt and very sad that my child would not trust me to guide her across that busy road. This is how our Father feels when we refuse take His hand which is always outstretched towards us to help us through our life’s journey. It hurts Him when we try to do it all ourselves and He watches sadly as when we fail over and over again instead of holding onto Him. We need to allow God to deal with our “anxious care” in exchange for His unflinching love and “affectionate” care which is never ending. Reach up and take His hand today, He will never let go!
He Is Waiting For You
You have a loving Father who desires you to come to Him with all your shattered dreams, disillusionment, dashed hopes and fears. He understands all that you are going through. He is willing to release you of ALL your cares, and take the care of you upon Himself. He feels your pain and your sadness. He cares for you so much that He has already made the ultimate sacrifice by taking all your pain, your shame and your worries on His own body so you don’t have to.
God Will Supernaturally Transform Your Husband
I no longer live in fear about what may happen tomorrow. I know that this is not of my own doing. I had to allow God to take control and when I did this, He supernaturally transformed my marriage, my husband and me. God did the impossible for us, He will for you too!
Beauty for Ashes
Gen 3x – Helping wives of men involved in sexual impurity