Eyes that are blind, Ears that are deaf
Are you reading the Warning Signs?
We are taught from a young age to discern the different types of warning signs that surround us in everyday life. Signs that stop us from getting hurt, injured or even killed, so why then are e=we slow to act on the warning signs that the word of God has to say about sexual immorality? Our churches may be silent or slow to address the problem of sexual immorality, but the Bible isn’t silent or behind the door, it’s quick to point out just where the person who indulges in sexual sin will end up.
– a lost inheritance –
The power that is behind sexual sin is so deceiving and so cunning that it can completely convince Christian men and women that it’s okay to look at pornography, indulge in sexual immorality and still go to heaven. If you are a spirit filled believer, what lengths have you gone to in order to drown out the voice or the prompting of the Holy Spirit? Have you swapped the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature? Romans 1:25. Or, are you so deceived and blinded (Psalm 119) that you can’t think straight for yourself to discern the Holy Spirit’s prompting? What price are you prepared to pay to have your cake and eat it? Most Christian men who view pornography can’t be too worried about the coming judgement or perhaps maybe they believe that they can’t be judged because of the Blood of Jesus. Click here to find out what the Bible has to say about your judgement. You push away every thought of coming disaster but your actions only bring the day of judgement closer. Amos 6:3
If I knew back then that I was worshipping at the altar of Baal-Peor, there is no way that I would have kept hidden for so long or went to the lengths that I did to justify or defend pornography. Men who use pornography can forfeit their place in heaven and lose the companionship of the Holy Spirit. After years of faithful service in church or ministry, what could be more sorrowful and heart wrenching than not hearing “well done my good and faithful servant, come and enter into my rest” Matt 24:21. When the fact is, the only thing you were faithful to was worshipping Satan through pornography. If you have read “Who gets the Worship” you’ll know exactly who you are serving.
Do you understand the seriousness of scripture? And what the Bible has to say about fornication, adultery, Idolatry, homosexuality; all acts that God condemns. Our churches are good at getting the message to us, but getting the message through and into us is another thing. Click here to read more verses straight from the Word of God.
It isn’t a simple matter of once saved always saved! Those verses show that we can lose our inheritance if we continually indulge in what God forbids, we can’t simply do as we like and still go to heaven. Jesus made no mistakes in what He said. He didn’t ever play around with words or give false impressions, I don’t recall Jesus stumbling or mincing His words. He knows all about the power of scripture and the seriousness it carries. When Christ said that we cannot serve two masters He meant it.
Proverbs 14; 12 there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end leads to death
– Is this you? –
Are you one of the deceived that marches into Church every Sunday, the Bible tucked under your arm, singing songs of worship and hiding your reckless lifestyle behind a well-groomed appearance, having filled your mind with pornography from the week before and out worked the appetite of your demons on your wife and family? Well if you think that you’re going to get a wink and a nod of approval from Jesus about your activity think again.
What part of Matt 7: 23, Depart from ME, You who practice LAWLESSNESS don’t you understand? Pornography, masturbation and immorality is total rebellion against God in the extreme. He won’t have it and won’t stand for it at all. He cares for you so much that He only has your best interest in mind. Yes, we will all struggle with sin and his grace will cover our short comings, but if you remain comfortable in your sin without doing anything to help yourself, then you have to ask the hard question, “Am I really saved at all?”
If you are caught up in your bondage and are passive about your freedom, if the lure of the negative still outweighs the positive, scripture warns that you will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. The more a person gets involved in sin the less he sees it or recognises it for what it is.
Hold on to this thought: Having treated God’s word with contempt, called God a liar throughout life, taken God’s place, sided with Satan against God—what makes a man think that when he dies, God is going to receive him into heaven? Take a man who has lived a rebellious life in pornography, dishonouring to God but then expects God to honour him. Isn’t it incredible? Yet that’s what men believe. If you have any idea how God hates this sin, the fear of God would be enough to turn you away – but unfortunately, it isn’t enough to stop you from crawling back. Paul reminds us in 1 Cor 10:8 that 23,000 fell in a single day because of sexual immorality, Leviticus20:10 commanded death for adultery, the seventh commandment warns against adultery and again Jesus covered it in the Sermon on the Mount Matt 5:27,28. The sad fact is that some men enjoy being deceived so that they can continue to indulge in their fleshly pleasures Rom 1:28; 2 Tim 3:1-7; Titus 3:3-7.
If you insist on having your own way, God by His grace will do two things to help you. Either He will expose your dirty little secret and all will be revealed Luke 12: 2-3 or He will remove His covering from you and hand you over to Satan so that your spirit may be saved 1 Cor 5:5. Either way, God will not be mocked He will not allow you to claim the name of His son Jesus and allow you to keep on living as if nothing has changed. You already know that it’s not God’s will for you to perish, that He has put the warning signs in place because He loves you. So how much more scripture will it take? How many more verses do you need to inform you that you will not inherit the kingdom of heaven? How large and bright do the signs have to be to get your attention? Click here for Are you reading the Warning Signs? Prayer
Not everybody who calls out to me Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of heaven but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Mathew 7: 21
Gen 3x – Fighting Pornography Addiction
“Hear, O Israel, Ye Approach This Day Unto Battle Against Your Enemies: Let Not Your Hearts Faint, Fear Not, And Do Not Tremble, Neither Be Ye Terrified Because Of Them. “Deuteronomy 20v3