There has been a hive of activity in the church over the past 10-15 years concerning the epidemic of pornography. Faith based ministries have been coming out of the woodwork ready to help every believer with a pornography “addiction”. But the problem I have with the well intended help is that every time a faith based ministry, church leader or youth leader stands up and describes the issue as an “addiction” or uses the term “the new drug” all they are doing is playing to the enemy’s strength. They are denying what scripture reveals it to be. They are not helping to expose the problem but rather helping to cover it up.
If the church can’t stand out from the crowd and figure out what the bible’s definition of pornography is, then it may as well remain QUIET. The church will never be able to defeat pornography until it addresses the cult behind the industry and the root of pornography. Until the church exposes pornography as sex worship/Satan worship the church’s negative attitude could be the porn industries best mouth-piece in raising people’s awareness and consciousness towards the industry. This is probably what the porn industry has been hoping for – the church’s efforts to backfire due to “a lack of knowledge”. Hosea 4 6.
Gen 3x